Shinsengumi shimatsuki

The story follows a young ronin has he joins the clan to fulfill his dreams of being a full fledged samurai. Initially suspicious of the clan, the...

Starring: Fujio Suga, Hajime Koshikawa, Keiko Koyanagi, Koichi Mizuhara, Matasaburo Tamba, Raizô Ichikawa, Ryôsuke Kagawa, Ryuzo Shimada, San'emon Arashi, Shigeru Amachi, Shiho Fujimura, Tatsuya Ishiguro, Yoichi Funaki
Genre: Crime, Drama
Countries: Japan
Directors: Kenji Misumi
Release Date: January 03, 1963
IMDb Rating: Shinsengumi shimatsuki (1963) on IMDb

3.15/5 - (20 Votes)

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