Christmas Carol: The Movie

The film begins with a live-action sequence set in Boston in 1857, the site of a live reading by renowned novelist Dickens. As he begins his 'story...

Starring: Simon Callow, Kate Winslet, Nicolas Cage, Jane Horrocks, Michael Gambon, Rhys Ifans, Juliet Stevenson, Robert Llewellyn, Iain Jones, Colin McFarlane, Beth Winslet, Arthur Cox, Keith Wickham, Joss Sanglier, Sarah Kayte Foster
Genre: Animation, Family
Countries: UK, Germany
Directors: Jimmy T. Murakami
Release Date: September 15, 2001
Runtime: 77 min
IMDb Rating: Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) on IMDb

3.28/5 - (90 Votes)

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