Ultraman: The Adventure Begins

The lives of three stunt pilots (Scott, Chuck, and Beth) are changed when they gain the ability to transform into three new Ultra-beings, and form...

Starring: Michael Lembeck, Chad Everett, Adrienne Barbeau, Stacy Keach Sr., Lorna Patterson, David Hall, Ed Gilbert, Adrienne Alexander, Charles Adler, Ronnie Schell, William Callaway, Peter Renaday, Al Fann, Mark L. Taylor, Allan Lurie
Genre: Animation, Sci-Fi
Countries: USA, Japan
Directors: Noboru Tsuburaya, John Eric Seward
Release Date: October 12, 1987
IMDb Rating: Ultraman: The Adventure Begins (1987) on IMDb

2.50/5 - (4 Votes)

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