
Following the lives of a dozen Australian soldiers who served in the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) during World War I which follows...

Starring: Andrew Clarke, Bill Kerr, Christopher Cummins, David Bradshaw, David Lynch, Diana Greentree, Edmund Pegge, Elaine Lee, Francis Bell, Howard Bell, Ilona Rodgers, Jim Holt, Jon Blake, Jonathan Sweet, Mark Hembrow, Nick Waters, Noel Trevarthen, Patrick Ward, Paul Hogan, Peter Finlay, Peter Stratford, Rhys McConnochie, Robert Coleby, Shane Briant, Sheila Kennelly, Tony Bonner, Vincent Ball, Vivean Gray
Genre: Drama, History, War
Countries: Australia
Release Date: October 27, 1985
Year: 1985
Runtime: 100 mins
IMDb Rating: Anzacs (1985) on IMDb

3.37/5 - (54 Votes)

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